Weylandts is a unique place where raw forms collide with refined designs to create authentic spaces for living. We elevate spaces by embracing the stories of each artisanally crafted piece we produce.
Weylandts X Thebe Magugu: Available online only. Shop the collaboration now.
Weylandts continues to champion the ethos of sustainable and locally crafted furniture, a commitment deeply rooted in our history and vision for the future. By focusing on local manufacturing and craft, we celebrate our heritage and preserve traditions and communities in an ethical and sustainable way.
Underpinning our ethos is a dedicated focus on design, quality, and craft as key pillars that permeate each part of our production process.
Weylandts continues to champion the ethos of sustainable and locally crafted furniture, a commitment deeply rooted in our history and vision for the future. By focusing on local manufacturing and craft, we celebrate our heritage and preserve traditions and communities in an ethical and sustainable way.
A rigorous process that shapes ideas into tangible forms, our design philosophy focuses on distilling components to reveal their truest forms. Through this journey, our pieces transcend the everyday and become purposeful declarations that stand the test of time.
Delivering quality furniture is about the decades of experience and knowledge that enrich each Weylandts piece. It’s about years of advice passed down through generations and the ancient histories told by unique materials. Quality is embedded in our heritage.
Chris Weylandt’s commitment to authenticity and purpose fuels his vision for local production. By enriching African craft through the discovery of ancient traditions and techniques, craftsmanship becomes an alchemy of global ideas and local roots.
True craftsmanship is a skill. It’s about a deep knowledge of the material you’re working with. A traditional passed on from one pair of hands to the next. But more than anything, it’s about respect. Respect for nature.
Respect for the material and respect for the customer who will enjoy the product for years to come. At Weylandts, we take pride in every piece of furniture or homeware we make.